April 12, 2014 in Indianapolis, IN was the annual Race for the Cure. I gathered my crew, Brittney's Beauties and we all dressed in our best pink. I made crowns and sashes for each team member to wear, including the kids. I also made some pink ribbon cookies to snack on. I arrived at Military Park around 7am and there were already hundreds of people there. I met up with some family and then I headed to the survivor's tent for the start of the Survivor's Parade. They line up all the survivor's according to how many years they have survived breast cancer, with the longest survivor's in the front. So, of course being a 1 year survivor, I was way at the end. A marching band lead us through Military Park as everyone stood along the route with maracas and cow bells cheering us on. Then we were lead to the main stage for the opening ceremonies, where WTHR news anchors were the emcees. A band played music, they had a Zumba warm up, and several people gave us pep talks. Then, I met up with the rest of my crew and we headed to the start line. We took so long to get to the start of the race that we ended up being some of the last people to complete the race! HAHA. The fire engine marking the end of the walk came up behind us about the half way point and continued to stay behind us until the end.
All in all it was a fantastic day! Great weather, great company, and great outfits! I am so thankful for all the support I have received for this year's race. I had a goal of raising $500 this year. I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to raise that much. But to my amazement, I was able to far exceed that goal and I raised $1, 050!!! I am so thankful for generous hearts. I am also so thankful for all my family and friends who came out to supports me. My cousin had plans for the day, but got up bright and early just to spend the morning with us, before the race began. My friend drove 2 hours to spend all day with me. I am one blessed girl!
I can't wait to make this annual event. Mark your calendars for next year...April 18, 2015.
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