Monday, July 29, 2013

My Last Chemo!!!

   Friday, July 26th was my last appointment for chemotherapy (atleast the hard drugs)!!!!!  I still have to go every 3 weeks for another 9 months to receive Herceptin through IV, because I am Her2 positive.  But the worst is over!!!  Nothing can prepare you for how awful chemo is.  It reaks havoc on your entire body, from head to toe....literally.  Just a little insight into some of the side effects I had: hair loss, acne, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, bone pain, neuropathy (hand and feet numbness) and FATIGUE.  At first I was excited about the possible weight loss that I hear so much about with chemo, but the opposite occured to me.  Because I ended up going for weekly chemo treatments, where one of the pre-meds is a steroid, I was hungry (and therefore eating) ALL the time!  Instead of losing weight, I GAINED 15 pounds! So there wasn't one single benefit from chemo :(
   I have had so many people tell me that they can't believe I'm staying so positive.  And I say to them....what's the alternative? I'm not dying!  I'm going to get through this and when I do, this will just be a bump in the road; an event in my life that I can look back on.  There is no reason to be Debbie Downer, and get all depressed and crawl into a hole.  Now, don't get me wrong, of course I've had my negative/sad moments and even a few sad days, but I don't stay in that rut...I can't.  If this was terminal, maybe I would.  But I know I'll be A-Okay in a few short months and my life will return to normal...or maybe even better than normal :)
   So, this week was a time to celebrate.  An old friend from childhood was sooooo gracious to leave her 3 kids and travel 2 hours to come and spend the day with me at my last chemo appointment.  We hadn't seen each other in several years and it was so nice to catch up with her.  We got lunch before the appointment and went out for ice cream at Orange Leaf after the appointment.  It was a great day!  Thanks for helping me celebrate Trisha!

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