So, Jessica started by cutting off my hair with scissors, then buzzing it short. After each step I looked in the mirror so I wouldn't be totally shocked at the end result. Originally I was excited to get it done, but then when the actual time came, I was super nervous. When I looked in the mirror after the first step I got really scared! I had to hide my face when I looked after the final step. I never did cry (and still haven't), but I was definitely shocked at the final result. I hate the way it looks, especially with no glasses and no make-up, but it's definitely quicker to get ready in the morning.
I do have a wig, and wore it to dinner last night. I used a skull cap under the wig, which turned out to be too tight and uncomfortable. My Dad was not present when I got my head shaved, and only saw me right afterward with the wig on. So, when I went to dinner with my parents and decided on the drive home I needed to take my wig off because it was hurting my head, I warned them I was taking it off, so my dad would not be shocked seeing my bald head for the first time. I was sitting in the front seat next to him. I made sure he heard me and knew I was taking the wig off, but apparently he didn't know I was going to take it off right when I did, because he turned to look at me right after I took it off and screamed out and turned his head the other way and hid his eyes. It was sooooo funny! We all started laughing, but I think it was more of a laugh-so-we-don't-cry type of laughing. :) My Dad was totally freaked out!
My original hair (with my mom)
During the first stage (cut)
During the second stage (buzz)
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